A body wash that formulated to cleanse the body thoroughly and make the skin look brighter. It contains apple stem cells, Aloe Vera and Collagen, so Bio SC Benevia Body Wash also helps delay aging, maintain skin elasticity, reduce pigmentation, and maintain skin softness and moisture.
A body wash that formulated to cleanse the body thoroughly and make the skin look brighter. It contains apple stem cells, Aloe Vera and Collagen, so Bio SC Benevia Body Wash also helps delay aging, maintain skin elasticity, reduce pigmentation, and maintain skin softness and moisture.
Major Active Ingredients Bio SC Benevia Body Wash
Known for its exceptional capacity to stay fresh from a long period, apple stem cells helped boost the skin’s vitality and delaying the aging process by protecting it from the damage due to environmental stress. Increase the vitality of cells in the body, Delaying the aging process of cells in the body and Protect body cells from damage due to environmental stress.
Plants that are already famous for their benefits for skin beauty. Aloe vera is rich in amino acids and can stimulate cell growth, so it is considered as an exceptional skin cleanser.
Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in the human body. Collagen functions to maintain the stability and strength of body tissues by making supporting nets along with the cell structure.
Made from Dictyopteris Membranacea (Sea Fern) which lives in a French ocean, 3M3 WHITERIS G affects genes that control the three main mechanisms involved in skin pigmentation, which is melanosome maturation, Melanogenesis (occurring in adult melanosomes), and melanosome migration (responsible for melanosomes export of melanin in the direction of keratinocytaces).
The raw material formulated from lysate from Lactococcus lactis and contains cytoplasm and cell wall fragments which increase the competitiveness of skin cells because it is processed using biotechnology suspension methods of bacteria producing probiotic lactic acid.