The collapse of the bankruptcy of her boutique business did not make her down, but made the mother of the twins managed to motivate herself to rise and continue to grow to restore her financial condition. Not separated from the family role, Ibu Dewi is always supported by her husband and her twins who are always eager to live life and of course eager in running this network business. With a smile that always blooming, Ibu Dewi told us about her previous business, a boutique business, where a business that made herself had enough income to run her hobby, which is to beautify herself, business that lasted long enough that apparently not so satisfy her in the end, due to bankruptcy in her boutique business. Seeing the situation, then a friend offered her this networking business, she studied the business carefully and after seeing the incredible happiness created from this network business, she stepped into the business of Biogreen Science. Within just one month, she managed to restore her initial capital. "Biogreen Science is incredible, this is the right vehicle for success," she said with her fist sign she was excited.