ACE 2018
Radiate Your Light

Pagelaran ACE 2018 telah dinikmati bersama-sama. Acara tersebut dihelat di Balai Sarbini, Jakarta dan dihadiri oleh banyak member yang datang dari berbagai macam daerah baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Bertemakan Radiate Your Light, acara ACE 2018 dikemas dalam kemasan yang berbeda. ACE 2018 lebih mengedepankan konsep yang dinamis dan juga modern. Hal ini terlihat dari konsep acara yang lebih atraktif serta dress code smart casual yang dikenakan oleh setiap Member yang menghadiri acara ini.

ACE 2018 has been thoroughly enjoyable. This event was held at Balai Sarbini, Jakarta and attended by many members who come from various regions both domestically and abroad. This year, ACE 2018 comes with different concept and theme, Radiate Your Light. Based on the theme, ACE 2018 comes with more dynamic and modern nuance. It can be seen through many ways such as, more attractive event schedule and smart casual dress code which is seen through Members’ dress in the event.

Acara ini merupakan acara penghargaan tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Biogreen Science untuk para Member yang telah mencapai peringkat Rookie, Junior Master, Master, Senior Master, Grand Master dan Philantrophist. Selain itu, ada berbagai macam acara menarik lainnya seperti sesi presentasi dari para ahli, My Bodygenic Challenge, acara Door Prize dan juga elemen-elemen penting yang turut membuat acara menjadi lebih menarik dari sebelumnya.

It’s an annual award that is held by Biogreen Science for Member who achieves certain ranks such as, Rookie, Junior Master, Mater, Senior Master, Grand Master, and Philantrophist. Besides, there are also other sessions such as, presentation session delivered by the expert, My Bodygenic Challenge, Door prize and other important elements that make ACE 2018 becomes different than previous events.

Acara ini diawali dengan dance yang dibawakan oleh staff Biogreen Science. Dance yang enerjik menambah semarak perhelatan ACE 2018 dan semangat para Member untuk mengikuti acara ini. Setelah dance usai, Ina Rachman, S.H, M.H selaku Advokat dan legal konsultan dari Biogreen Science dan APLI memberikan kata sambutan yang dilanjutkan oleh Ketua Umum Asosiasi Perdagangan Langsung Indonesia (APLI), Ir. Djoko H.Komara.

Sesi penghargaan diberikan kepada para Member dengan semarak. Berawal dari sesi Rookie, para Member mengikutinya dengan bersemangat. Tahap selanjutnya, Junior Master, Master dan Senior Master diwakili oleh beberapa orang yang memberikan speech seperti Junior Master yang diwakili oleh Ibu Erni Asih dan Ibu Dewi Yulianti, Master oleh Ibu Erna Handoko dan Senior Master oleh Ibu Venantia Ingdhayani Wijono. Speech yang diberikan diharapkan dapat memberikan semangat bagi para Member untuk mencapai peringkat yang lebih baik di tahun depan.

ACE 2018 was started with dance which is brought by Biogreen Science staff and it’s successfully brings the excitement for every member who attends the event. Afterwards, Mrs. Ina Rachman, S.H, M.H as the advocate and legal consultant of Biogreen Science and APLI gives give a speech and continued by the chairman of APLI, Ir. Djoko H.Komara.

Awarding session is brought with a huge excitement. Start from Rookie, every member take part in this event lively. For next rank, Junior Master, Master and Senior Master is represented by several members who gave the speech. For example, Junior Master is represented by Mrs. Erni Asih and Mrs. Dewi Yulianti, Master with Mrs, Erna Handoko and Senior Master with Mrs. Venantia Ingdhayani Wijono. Speech provided is expected to provide encouragement for Members to achieve better rankings next year.

Seperti yang telah dijelaskan di atas, ACE 2018 tidak hanya acara untuk penghargaan para Member saja karena, ada bagian acara lainnya yang juga seperti sesi presentasi yang dibawakan oleh beberapa orang. Di bagian awal acara, Ibu Lussiana Rossi membawakan sesi testimony marketing plan yang dibawakan oleh Lussiana Rossi yang turut membagikan ceritanya selama di Biogreen Science. Bukan itu saja, ada sesi presentasi The Right Attitude oleh COO Biogreen Science, Roys Tanani. Ada juga sesi presentasi yang dibawakan oleh Dr.Richard Suteja Ph.D. Setelah sesi penghargaan Senior Master, acara dilanjutkan ke sesi presentasi yang sangat menginsipirasi dan dibawakan oleh sosok hebat dibalik kesuksesan banyak orang, Founder dan CEO dari Biogreen Science, Larry Widjaja. Beliau menjelaskan banyak hal mulai dari produk-produk baru Biogreen Science serta hal lainnya yang membakar semangat para Member yang hadir dalam acara ini.

ACE 2018 juga memberikan elemen-elemen hiburan yang membuat semua Member seperti sesi Inspiring Story yang dibawakan oleh Hasnan Latip dan Wiwik Widhiyanti yang membagikan cerita soal perjuangan hidup mereka. Selain itu, ada Joe yang membawakan lagu dan Irsan yang menyanyikan Mars Biogreen Science. Akhirnya, acara berlanjut ke My Bodygenic Challenge. Dalam sesi ini, ada 11 peserta yang dipanggil ke atas panggung dan turut menunjukkan perubahan berat mereka. Selain itu, ada 5 pemenang yang memenangkan hadiah berdasarkan 5 kategori yang telah dibuat.

Dalam sesi pembagian hadiah, Biogreen Science bagi-bagi hadiah dalam banyak sesi seperti hadiah tiket Charlie Puth dan ada banyak door prize yang dibagikan seperti 3 buah HP Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro, 1 buah Samsung Note 9, World Pool senilai $256.000 dan satu unit City Car senilai 100 juta rupiah. Terima kasih atas partisipasi Anda yang telah mengikuti acara ini dan sampai jumpa di Annual Celebration Event (ACE) 2019!

As explained above, ACE 2018 is not just an annual award event only because there are other sessions for example, presentation sessions delivered by several people. At the beginning of the event, Ms. Lussiana Rossi presented a session on the testimony of the marketing plan hosted by Lussiana Rossi who shared her story while in Biogreen Science. Not only that, there is a presentation session on The Right Attitude by COO of Biogreen Science, Roys Tanani and Dr.Richard Suteja Ph.D. After the Senior Master award session, the event continued to a very inspirational presentation session and was delivered by a great figure behind the success of many people, Founder and CEO of Biogreen Science, Larry Widjaja. He explained many things starting from the new Biogreen Science products and other things that burned the spirit of the Members who attended this event.

There is also entertainment session in ACE 2018 like, the Inspiring Story session hosted by Hasnan Latip and Wiwik Widhiyanti who share their stories about life struggle. Besides that, there was Joe who performed several songs and Irsan who sang Mars Biogreen Science. Finally, the program continued on to My Bodygenic Challenge. In this session, there were 11 participants who were called on stage and also showed their changes in weight. In addition, there were 5 winners who win prizes based on 5 categories that have been made.

At door prize session, there are many rewards that are awarded for Biogreen Science Members such as, Charlie Puth concert ticket and other door prizes such as, 3 units of Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro, 1 unit of Samsung Note 9, World Pool bonus for $256.000, and 1 unit of City Car worth for 100 million Rupiahs. Thank you for your participation and see you at Annual Celebration Event (ACE) 2019!.

Daniel Nugraha

Design Graphic
Muhammad Ruslan Efendi

Web Designer

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