Kick-Off Seminar & Recognition Day
Biogreen Science 2018
At the beginning of this year, Biogreen Science opened with a magnificent event, Kick-Off Seminar & Recognition Day Biogreen Science 2018. At the event, featuring national-class reliable speakers who gave a positive aura to all seminar participants. The event which happened on Sunday, January 28th, 2018 took place at Swiss-Belhotel Mangga Besar Jakarta. With the theme “Embrace The Future”, it is hoped that through this joyous event can make a spur to the entire audience especially for the new members of Biogreen Science to keep improving their hard work and ready to embrace a much better future certainly with Biogreen Science.
Filled with excitement, Biogreen Science members gathered in the hotel ballroom to witness the event opened with remarks as well as presentations by Biogreen Science CEO Bapak Larry Widjaja. In the presentation, Bapak Larry Widjaja explained about the plans that have been prepared for the development of Biogreen Science business. On the same occasion, Bapak Larry also launched new products and business from Biogreen Science. Followed by the next presentation of Dr. Richard Sutedjo, Ph.D. where he explained the content and benefits that can be perceived by the users.
Followed by subsequent presentations, such as the presentation of Marketing Plan by Bapak Andry Lie from Bali who in that opportunity Bapak Andry explained simply but remained straightforward and clear that provides knowledge in terms of business Biogreen Science. Do not forget that came and stood on stage to give a presentation that gave a positive aura and made the event be more spirit. From one of members of Komnas One Biogreen Science, Ibu Lussiana Rossi with the title of her presentation "How to Ensure Your Network is Growing", the presentation explained some tips for the network that has been built to continue to grow and generate income that creates a life full of freedom of time and financial freedom. Followed by a presentation from Bapak Aries Hendra Wardhana with the title of "Winning 2018 Being a Successful Businessman" that gave some things that should be done by all businessmen or especially networkers so that in 2018 can compete and be ready to face the global market and achieve success.
Hosted by Ibu Tjok Inten from Bali and Bapak Hasnan Latip from Surabaya made the event run smoothly. The award in the Recognition of the Year session went smoothly by giving special awards to members who are ranked as Junior Master, Master and Senior Master. On that occasion, Bapak I Ketut Artawa from Bali gave his brief speech as a representative of 13 Master's usernames. Then the Recognition Day event was continued with the award of Ibu Venantia Ingdhayani Wijono as the only Senior Master member of the Kick-Off Seminar & Recignition Day 2018 event.