Flash News from Gala Premiere Winter in Tokyo with Biogreen Science

Kembali berbagi keceriaan kepada para member, Biogreen Science menggelar acara Nonton Bareng Gala Premier "Winter in Tokyo" pada hari Senin, 1 Agustus 2016 di CGV Blitz Grand Indonesia, Jakarta. Para member terlihat bersemangat dan antusias untuk menonton film adaptasi novel laris dari Ilana Tan ini dan melihat kemunculan Applesc di dalam filmnya. Sebelum acara dimulai, para member beserta Pak Larry sibuk menyambangi photo booth "Winter in Tokyo" untuk mengabadikan momen foto bersama. Senyum ceria dan sumringah tersirat di wajah para member yang kompak mengenakan t-shirt Biogreen Science itu.

Sebagai Executive Produser dari film Winter in Tokyo, Pak Larry mengaku puas dengan film garapannya. Managing Director dari Biogreen Science ini juga mengutarakan harapannya bagi industri perfilman Indonesia agar dapat terus berkembang. Beliau juga membocorkan projectnya selanjutnya yang berhubungan dengan industri perfilman. "Sebagai orang Indonesia, saya senang kalau bisa mensupport industri kreatif ini. Kedepannya, jika filmnya bagus tetapi jalur distribusinya kurang, itu juga akan menghambat perkembangannya. Maka dari itu, di bulan Oktober, saya dan teman-teman akan memperbaiki jalur distribusinya. Karena semakin besar jalur distribusinya, semakin besar pula perkembangan industri perfilman Indonesia," ujar Larry. Semoga hal ini dapat menjadi langkah awal bagi Biogreen Science dan Pak Larry untuk mengembangkan bisnisnya di berbagai bidang.

The film gets positive responses from the audiences. "The movie is really exciting. I can't believe Mr. Larry could produce such great movie. There are sad and romantic moments. Plus, our product Applesc appears in the film that made us all excited and couldn't keep ourselves to clap hands when Applesc appeared ," said Jansen, one of the TOP Leaders of Biogreen Science. The members also shared their hope that Biogreen Science, especially Mr. Larry, could make another collaboration in the future. "I am very happy with the appearance of Applesc in the movie. It could be global. I wish it can often show up in other movies along with other products," said Suno, member of Biogreen Science.

As the Executive Producer of the movie, Mr. Larry admitted that he was satisfied with the movie. The Managing Director of Biogreen Science also expressed his hope for Indonesia film industry to be able to develop more and be greater than ever. He also disclosed his upcoming project related to film industry. "As an Indonesian, I'd love to support the creative industries. In the future, if good movies are not supported by the distribution channels, it would hamper the industry development. Therefore, in October, along with my friends we will improve distribution channel of movie industry. Because the larger the distribution channel, the greater the development of movie industry in Indonesia," said Larry. Hopefully, this can be a first step for Biogreen Science and Mr. Larry to develop its business in more broaden aspects.

Check out the preview of Gala Premiere "Winter in Tokyo) 
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