"Winter in Tokyo" the movie is a romantic drama directed by Fajar Bustomi and starring the talented young actors and actresses like Pamela Bowie, Dion Wiyoko, Morgan Oey and Kimberly Rider. The story narrates about the love story of Keiko Ishida (Pamela Bowie), a half Indonesia-Japan woman who is startled by the presence of a new neighbor, Kazuto Nishimura (Dion Wiyoko), who just moves in the next door of her apartment. After spending time and togetherness during winter, the proximity of Keiko and Kazuto has sown the seeds of love in the hearts of both. However, there is a turn of heart and Keiko suddenly chooses her first love, Akira Kitano (Morgan Oey), whom she just meets. The conflict begins when an event happens and makes Kazuto losses his memory, including the memories of Keiko. At that time, Keiko starts to feel that she has just lost Kazuto.